John BLACKWALL  

     Nació el 20 de enero de 1790, después de haber pasado algunos años en el comercio de telas en Irlanda, se trasladó en 1833 a Llanvrst en el norte de Gales. Su gusto por las ciencias naturales lo llevó primero a las aves y de los veinticinco primeros trabajos, quince eran ornitológicos, pero, sin embargo también fue atraído por el estudio de las arácnidos y su primer artículo sobre ellos apareció en 1827. Sus escritos fueron reunidos un poco más tarde (1834) en su Researches in Zoology, con una segunda edición, bien diferenciada, que apareció en 1873.

     Sus estudios sobre los Arácnidos británicos, continuaron solo durante varios años, formando su gran obra A History of the Spiders of Great Bretain and Ireland, publicada por la Ray Society de 1861 a 1863.


     Hay que tener en cuenta que el manuscrito de Blackwall estaba en manos de la Sociedad diez años antes de su impresión, pero el pintor que hizo las ilustraciones falleció antes de el  trabajo fuera acabado, veinticinco especímenes, tipos de especies, que estaban en su poder, se perdieron y es por eso que en estas especies, se limitó a su mera descripción, no pudiendo ser identificadas jamás. A pesar de ello, la obra es un monumento de primera importancia y le convirtió en un pionero de la aracnología.


     Uno de sus grandes méritos fue comenzar la investigación y estudio de micro-arañas, y describió muchas nuevas especies, principalmente en dos grandes géneros Neriene y Walckenaeria.

       Blackwall murió el 11 de mayo de 1881, a la edad de 91 años.  

Su obra:


Blackwall (J.), 1827a. - Observations and Experiments, made with a View to ascertain the Means by which Spiders that produce Gossamer. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., 15, pp.449-459.

Blackwall (J.), 1827b. - On the Gossamer-web. Edinb. Phil. Journ., 3, pp. 388-389.

Blackwall (J.), 1828. - Über den fliegenden Sommer. Zeits. org. Phys., 2, pp. 114-115.

Blackwall (J.), 1829a. - Mr Murray's Paper on the Aërial Spider. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2 pp. 116-118.

Blackwall (J.), 1829b. - Observations et expériences tendant à s'assurer des moyens qu'emploient les Araignées produisant les fils de la Vierge (gossamer) pour leurs excursion aëriennes. Bull. sci. nat., Férussac, 18, pp. 131-134.

Blackwall (J.), 1830. - The Ascent of aëronautic Spiders in the Atmosphere. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3, pp. 456-457.

Blackwall (J.), 1831. - An Examitaniton on M. Virey's Observation on Aëronautic Spiders, published in the Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles. Phil. Mag., 10, pp. 180-187.

Blackwall (J.), 1832a. - Observations on the House- Spider in reply to a Statement in the Zoological Journal, quoted in the Phil. Mag. and Annal, vol. x, p. 184. Lond. Phil. Mag. Journ. Sci., (3) 1, pp. 95-98.

Blackwall (J.), 1832b. - Description of a Species of Arachnida, hitherto uncharacterized, belonging to the Family Araneidae. Lond. Phil. Mag. Journ. Sci., (3) 1, pp. 190-191.

Blackwall (J.), 1833a. - Notice of several recent Discoveries in the Structure and Economy of Spiders. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., 16, pp. 471-485, 767-770, 1 pl.

Blackwall (J.), 1833b. - Characters of some undescribed Genera and Species of Araneidae. Lond Phil. Mag. Journ. Sci., (3)3, pp. 104-112, 187-197, 344-352, 436-443.

Blackwall (J.), 1834a. - Characters of some undescribed Species of Araneidae. Lond. Phil. Mag. Journ. Sci., (3) 5, pp.50-53.

Blackwall (J.), 1834b. - Observations relative to the Structure and Functions of Spiders. Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 3, pp. 444-446.

Blackwall (J.), 1834c. - Ueber die Begattung der Spinnenart Clubiona parvula. Froriep's Notizen, 40 (859), pp. 51-52.

Blackwall (J.), * 1834d. - Researches in Zoology. London, 1834. (Spiders, pp. 229-252, 253-270, 289, 298, 302-3003, 356)

Blackwall (J.), 1835a. - On the Mammer in which the Geometric Spiders construct their Nets. Zool. Journ., 5, pp. 181-188.

Blackwall (J.), 1835b. - Charactere neuer Spinnen. Isis Oken, 1835, pp. 574-576.

Blackwall (J.), 1836. - Characters of some undescribed Species of Araneidae. Lond. Phil. Mag. Journ. Sci., (3) 8, pp.481-491.

Blackwall (J.), 1837. - Characters of a new Genus and some undescribed Species of Araneidae. Lond. Phil. Mag. Journ. Sci., (3) 10, pp.100-105.

Blackwall (J.), 1841a. - On the Number and Structure of the Mammulae employed by Spiders in the Process of Spinning. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., 18, pp.219-224.

Blackwall (J.), 1841b. - The Difference in the Number of Eyes with which Spiders are provided proposed as the Basis of their Distribution into Tribes; with Descriptions of newly discovered Species and the Characters of a new Family and three new Genera of Spiders. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., 18, pp. 601-670. + Sep., London, pp. 1-70. + Résumé in Entomologist, 1 (1841), pp. 177-181, 193-199.

Blackwall (J.), 1841c. - The Difference in the Number of Eyes... Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (1) 6, p.229. + Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond., 1 (8), pp. 65-66.

Blackwall (J.), 1842. - (On new Britsh Spiders). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 10, pp. 407-408.

Blackwall (J.), 1843a. - Account of a Species of Ichneumon whose Larva is parasitic on Spiders. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 11, pp.1-4. + Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 12, Notices, p. 68.

Blackwall (J.), 1843b. - On the Palpi of Spiders. Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 12, Notices, pp. 66-68.

Blackwall (J.), 1843c. - Notice of several Cases of Defective and Redundant Organization observed among the Araneidea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 11, pp.165-168.

Blackwall (J.), 1843d. - Ueber Fälle von mangelhafter oder überschüssiger Organisation bei den Araneida. Froriep's Notiz, (N.F.) 25 (546), p. 454.

Blackwall (J.), 1843e. - Sur les palpes des Araignées (et) Mémoire sur les fonctions des palpes chez les Aranéides. Inst., 11 (478), p.66; (522), p. 454.

Blackwall (J.), 1843f. - Notice sur une espèce d'Ichneumon dont la larve vit en parasite sur les Arachnides. Inst., 11 (478), pp. 66-67.

Blackwall (J.), 1843g. - Uber die Zahl und den Bau des Spinnwarzen. Isis Oken, 1843, pp. 437-439.

Blackwall (J.), 1844. - Descriptions of some newly discovered Species of Araneida. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (1) 13, pp. 179-188.

Blackwall (J.), 1845a. - A Catalogue of Spiders either not previously recorded or little known as indigenous to Great Britain, with Remarks on their Habits and Economy. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., 19, pp. 113-130.

Blackwall (J.), 1845b. - On the Means by which various Animals walk on the Vertical Surfaces of highly polished Bodies. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (1) 15, pp.115-119.

Blackwall (J.), 1845c. - Report on some Recent Researches into the Structure, Functions and (Economy of the Araneida made in Great Britain. Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 14, pp.62-79. + Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, pp. 221-241: Researches into the Structure, Functions and Economy of the Araneida.

Blackwall (J.), 1846a. - Notice of Spiders captured by Professor Potter in Canada, with Descriptions of such Species as appear to be new to Science. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (1) 17, pp.30-44, 76-82.

Blackwall (J.), 1846b. - Descriptions of some newly discovered Species of Araneida. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (1) 18, pp.297-303.

Blackwall (J.), 1848. - Researches having for their objet the Elucidation of certain Phenomena in the Physiology of the Araneidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (2) 1, pp.173-180.

Blackwall (J.), 1849a. - Descriptions of newly discovered Spiders. Proc Linn. Soc. Lond., 1 (5), p.41.

Blackwall (J.), 1849b. - Experiments and Observatios on the Poison of Animals of the Order Araneidea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (2) 4, pp.275-277. + Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond., 2 (38), pp.13-15.

Blackwall (J.), 1850a. - Descriptions of some newly discovered Species and Characters of a new Genus of Araneida. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (2) 6, pp.336-344.

Blackwall (J.), 1850b. - Versuche und Beobachtungen über das Gift der Araneida. Tagsber. Fortschr. Nat. Heilk., 4 (Zool., Bd. 1), pp. 21-23.

Blackwall (J.), 1851-1857. - A Catalogue of British Spiders... & Supplement to a Catalogue of British Spiders. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (2) 7 (1851), 8 (1851), 9 (1852), 10 (1852), 11 (1853), 14 (1854), 20 (1857). 

Blackwall (J.), 1851. - A Catalogue of British Spiders including Remarks on their Structure, Function, Economy and Systematic Arrangment. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (2) 7, pp.256-262, 396-402, 446-452; 8, pp. 37-44, 95-102, 332-339, 442-450.

Blackwall (J.), 1852a. - A Catalogue of British Spiders... (Continued). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (2) 9, pp.15-22, 268-275, 464-471; 10, pp. 182-189, 248-253.

Blackwall (J.), 1852b. - Descriptions of some newly discovered Species of Araneidea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (2) 10, pp.93-100.

Blackwall (J.), 1853a. - Descriptions of some newly discovered Species of Araneida. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (2) 11, pp.14-25.

Blackwall (J.), 1853b. - Supplement to a Catalogue of British Spiders including Remarks on their Structure, Functions, Economy and Systematic Arrangement. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (2) 11, pp. 113-120.

Blackwall (J.), 1854a. - Descriptions of some newly discovered Species of Araneida. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (2) 13, pp173-180.

Blackwall (J.), 1854b. - Supplement to a Catalogue of British Spiders... (Continued). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (2) 14, pp.28-33.

Blackwall (J.), 1855a. - Descriptions of two newly discovered Species of Araneidea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (2) 16, pp.120-122.

Blackwall (J.), 1855b. - Experiments and Observations on the Poison of Animals of the Order Araneidea. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., 21, pp.31-37.

Blackwall (J.), 1856. - Descriptions of three newly discovered Species of Araneidea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (2) 17, pp.233-236.

Blackwall (J.), 1857a. - Description of the Male of Lycosa tarentuloides Maderiana Walck., and of three newly discovered Species of the Genus Lycosa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (2) 20, pp.282-287.

Blackwall (J.), 1857b. - Supplement to a Catalogue of British Spiders... (Continued). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (2) 20, pp.497-503.

Blackwall (J.), 1858a. - Descriptions of six newly discovered Species and Characters of a new Genus of Araneidea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Nist., (3) 1, pp. 426-434.

Blackwall (J.), 1858b. - Characters of a new Genus and descriptions of three recently discovered Species of Araneidea. Ann. Mag Nat. Hist., (3) 2,pp.331-335.

Blackwall (J.), 1859a. - Descriptions of six recently discovered Species, and Characters of a new Genus of Araneida. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 3, pp.91-98.

Blackwall (J.), 1859b. - Descriptions of newly discovered Spiders captured by James Yate Johnson Esq., in the Island of Madeira. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 4, pp.255-267.

Blackwall (J.), 1861-1864. - A History of the Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 2 vol. Part I, 1861, pp.1-174, pl. I-XII. Part II, 1864, pp.175-384, pl. XIII-XXIX.

Blackwall (J.), 1861a. - A History of the Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. London, published for The Ray Society, 1861, pp.1-174, pl. I-XII.

Blackwall (J.), 1861b. - Descriptions of serveral recently discovered Spiders. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 8, pp.441-446.

Blackwall (J.), 1862a. - Descriptions of newly-discovered Spiders from the Island of Madeira. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 9, pp. 370-382.

Blackwall (J.), 1862b. - Description of newly discovered Spiders captured in Rio de Janeiro, by John Gray and the Rev. Hamlet Clark. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 10, pp.348-360, 421-439.

Blackwall (J.), 1863a. - Description of newly discovered Spiders captured in Rio de Janeiro, by... (Continued). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 11, pp.29-45.

Blackwall (J.), 1863b. - A Succinct Review of Recent Attempts to Explain Several Remarkable Facts in the Physiology of Spiders and Insects. Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., 7, pp.154-160 + Quart. Journ. Sci., 1, pp.46-51.

Blackwall (J.), 1863c. - Notice of a Drassus and Linyphia new to Science, and a Neriene hitherto unrecorded as British. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 12, pp.264-266.

Blackwall (J.), 1864a. - A History of the Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. Part II. London, published for The Ray Society, 1864, pp.175-384, pl.XIII-XXIX.

Blackwall (J.), 1864b. - Facts relative to the Movements of Insects on dry, polished, vertical Surfaces. Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., 8, pp.136-139,

Blackwall (J.), 1864c. - Notice of the Capture of Mithras paradoxus of England. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 13, pp.435-436.

Blackwall (J.), 1864d. - Descriptions of seven new Species of East Indian Spiders received from the Rev. O.P. Cambridge. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 14, pp.36-45.

Blackwall (J.), 1864e. - Notice of Spiders, indigenous to the Salvages, received from the Barao do Castello de Paiva. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 14, pp. 174-180.

Blackwall (J.), 1865a. - Descriptions of recently discovered Spiders collected in the Cape de Verde Islands by John Gray, Esq. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 16, pp. 80-101.

Blackwall (J.), 1865b. - Descriptions of recently discovered Species and Characters of a new Genus, of Araneida from the East of Central Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 16, pp. 336-352.

Blackwall (J.), 1866a. - A List of Spiders captured in the South-east Region of Equatorial Africa, with Descriptions of such Species as appear to be new to Arachnologists. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 18, pp. 451-468.

Blackwall (J.), 1866b. - Our House Spiders. Popl. Sci. Rev., 5, pp. 161-168.

Blackwall (J.), 1867a. - Remarks on the Falces and Maxillae of Spiders. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 19, pp. 258-259, pl.x.

Blackwall (J.), 1867b. - Descriptions of several Species of East Indian Spiders, apparently to be new of little known to Arachnologists. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 19, pp.387-394.

Blackwall (J.), 1867c. - Notes on Spiders, with Descriptions of several Species supposed to be new to Arachnologists. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) 20, pp.202-213.

Blackwall (J.), 1868. - Notice of several Species of Spiders supporsed to be new or little known to Arachnologists. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 2, pp.403-410.

Blackwall (J.), 1869. - Description of a new Species of Epeira. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 4, pp. 398-400.

Blackwall (J.), 1870a. - Notes on a Collection of Spiders made in Sicily in the Spring of 1868, by E. Perceval Wright, M.D., with a List of the Species, and Descriptions of some new Species and of a new Genus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 5, pp. 392-405, pl. VIII.

Blackwall (J.), 1870b. - A list of Spiders captured by Professor E. Perceval Wright, M.D., in the Province of Lucca, in Tuscany, in the Summer of 1863, with Characters of such Species as appear to be new of little known to Arachnologists. Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., 10, pp.405-435, pl.XV-XVI.

Blackwall (J.), 1871. - Notice of Spiders captured by Miss Hunter in Montreal, Upper Canada; with Descriptions of Species supposed to be new to Arachnologists. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 8, pp.429-436.

Blackwall (J.), 1873. - Researches in Zoology, illustrative of the Structure, Habits and Economy of Animals. Second Edition, London, 1893, pp.1-342. (Spiders, pp.233-333, pl.I-II)

Blackwall (J.), 1874. - A concise Notice of Observations on certain Peculiarities in the Structure and Function of the Araneidea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 13, pp.340-341.

Blackwall (J.), 1877. - A List of Spiders captured in the Seychelle Islands by Professor E. Percival Wright, M.D., F.L.S.; with Descriptions of Species  supposed to be new to Arachnologists. Notes and Preface by the Rev. O.P. - Cambirdge, M.A., C.M.Z.S., etc. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., (2) 3, pp. 1-22, pl.I-II.