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Rev. Iber.
Aracnol., Vol. 15 (2007)
spider communities of a peat bog and adjacent habitats |
Marija Biteniekytė1
& Vygandas Relys2 |
1 Department of Zoology,
Vilnius University, M. K, iurlionio 21 / 27, LT - 03101, Lithuania.
e-mai:marija.biteniekyte@gf.vu.It |
2 UCLA, CHS 73-257 650
Charles E. Young Dr. South, Los Angeles, CA 90095 e-mail:
v.relys@gmx.net |
Abstract: |
Epigeic spider communities of a peat bog and their relation with the
communities from surrounding habitats were studied in Tapeliai peat bog
in 2002. Material was collected in pitfall traps. Six epigeic
communities in three peat bog habitats and three in dry surrounding
habitats (pine forest, spruce forest and meadow) were studied. A total
of 3399 adult specimens belonging to 167 species and 19 families were
registred. The highest similarity of the dominating species to the peat
bog communities showed the community of the spruce forest, while the
communities from pine forest and meadow have had only few common
species. The spider communities of the small peat bog investigated are
very similar to those found in larger peat bogs of Southern and Eastern
Lithuania. Three spider species recorded during the investigation are
new to the spider fauna of Lithuania (Walckenaeria incisa, Micromatta
virescens, Abacoproecis saltuum). |
words: Araneae, peatbog, communities, Lithuania |
Comunidades de arañas epigeas de una
turbera y hábitats adyacentes. |
Resumen: |
En el año 2002 se
estudiaron las comunidades de arañas epigeas de una turbera de Tapeliai
(Lituania) y de áreas adyacentes. El material fue recolectado mediante
trampas "pitfall". Se estudiaron un total de seis comunidades epigeas:
tres turberas y tres hábitats secos circundantes (pinar, abetal y
prado). Se capturaron un total de 3399 ejemplares adultos pertenecientes
a 167 especies y 19 familias. La similitud más elevada de las especies
dominantes se corresponde con las comunidades de abetal y turberas,
mientras que el pinar y el prado presentan pocas especies en común. Las
comunidades de arañas de las pequeñas turberas estudiadas son muy
similares a las existentes en las grandes turberas del sur y este de
Lituania. Tres especies de arañas capturadas durante este estudio son
nuevas para la fauna lituana. (Walckenaeria incisa, Micromatta
virescens, Abacoproecis saltuum). |
Palabras clave: Araneae, turberas, comunidades,
Lituania |